Air Canada 15% Off Discount Code

15% Off Flights to Canada

For Travel until September 30, 2021


ApplyBoard’s Air Canada Discount

This is a one-time promotional offer. To receive the discount, students must book through and use the following discount code: HXZJPD71.


Discount Details:

  • Flights must be booked by June 30, 2021.
  • Flights must for travel dates between now and September 30, 2021.
  • There are no blackout dates.
  • This offer has no restrictions on use, up to 9 passengers can be booked per booking, and there is unlimited use.
  • Travellers may be arriving from anywhere in the world (excluding Domestic intra-Canada flights).
  • Discounts apply to Economy flights, including Basic, Standard, Flex, Comfort, Latitude + PY, J.
  • Codeshare flights are excluded from the promotion, except those with codes LH, LX, SN, OS, 4U, EW.

About Air Canada 

Air Canada is Canada’s largest domestic and international airline, and provides flights from over 200 airports on six continents. Prior to boarding their flight to Canada, travellers will need to provide a negative COVID-test result.

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