BC Invitation to apply

General information

Periodically, the BC PNP will invite people who are in the registration pool to submit an application to the program. ITAs are based on the information provided in registrations.
Information provided in the registrations will be used to rank, select and invite candidates who are most likely to meet B.C.’s economic and labour market needs, based on one or more of the following attributes:
  • Education – level and field of education and where it was completed
  • Language skills
  • Occupation
  • Duration and skill level of work experience
  • Wage and/or skill level of job offer
  • Intent to live, work and settle in a specific region
  • Strategic priorities – factors that address specific labour market needs in B.C. or support government pilot projects and initiatives
Invitations may be targeted to support B.C. government priorities, such as supporting specific business sectors, encouraging regional immigration, facilitating strategic pilot projects, and safeguarding the integrity of the program.

You can find more details about how we issue ITAs in the BC PNP Skills Immigration Program Guide.

Scheduled maintenance: Regular system maintenance to BCPNP Online may cause minor interruptions between the hours of 12:00a.m.-12:30a.m. (PT).

Skills Immigration invitations

Date Number of 
Category Minimum

June 7, 2022

Skilled Worker, International Graduate
(includes EEBC option)


Targeted draw: Tech

June 7, 2022

Skilled Worker, International Graduate
(includes EEBC option)


Targeted draw: Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 4214)

Skilled Worker, International Graduate,
Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
(includes EEBC option)


Targeted draw: Healthcare

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