e-STEM at Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Discover the e-STEM Program

The e-STEM program is a two-week online immersion program for students aged 13-19 from around the world.

Students get the chance to practice their English language skills while experiencing one of Canada’s most innovative Canadian universities, the University of Waterloo.

What Students Get

  • Experience the study environment at a prestigious Canadian university from the comfort of their home
  • Enhance their English proficiency
  • Exclusive training for Euclid's mathematics competition
  • Develop soft skills such as teamwork, presentation skills, and leadership
  • Obtain a certificate of completion from Renison University College and University of Waterloo

Program Details

  • Teaching Method: Online (Canvas + Zoom)
  • Course Duration: 2-weeks 
  • Tuition Fee: $999 CAD

Program Dates

  • Spring Intake: June 28 to July 14, 2021
  • Summer Intake: July 19 to August 4, 2021

This program is only available through ApplyBoard, and open to all students aged 13-19. You will be eligible for generous commissions regardless of whether the applicants are international students, permanent residents of Canada, or Canadian citizens.

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