Conestoga College: New Program Offering: Payroll and Bookkeeping

Program details

Code: 1556
Delivery: Full-time
Length: 2 years
Start: January 2023
Credential: Ontario College Diploma

Program description - January 2023

Working within the payroll function of an organization requires a diverse set of skills along with specific knowledge of bookkeeping, payroll, and legislative applications to ensure all aspects of the accounting and payroll cycles and compliance elements are met. This two-year Ontario College diploma program provides the necessary skills and knowledge to perform effectively in entry-level bookkeeping positions as well as providing a solid knowledge of the payroll functions within organizations and the skills to perform the payroll and accounting tasks for manual and computerized systems. This program will also look at industry trends and best practices related to the compensation, benefits, and payroll functions within organizations. Topics addressed will include the payroll cycle and related calculations, how to work with agencies to ensure compliance with all legislative and government requirements, and documentation processes. Graduates will gain a solid foundation of the payroll functions within organizations and will be able to perform payroll functions for various organizations working with specific accounting systems and processes utilized in Canadian businesses. As well, graduates will provide valuable contributions to the interpersonal dynamics of an organization based on their knowledge of organizational planning and operations. Graduates that achieve Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) minimum grade requirements will be eligible to become a certified Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) with just 12 months of related work experience (8 months for co-op graduates). This designation ensures you have the payroll compliance knowledge and skills you need to succeed, helps you command a higher starting salary, and opens the doors for future advancement. When you get certified, you join a growing community of supportive professionals and gain access to the resources you need to stay current and compliant. Graduates will also have completed the 3 transfer credits required for the Certified Payroll Manager (CPM) certification which is the next step for PCP certification holders looking to enter a management position. Graduates will only need to complete 2 further payroll courses with CPA and demonstrate 2 years of work experience, being responsible for the payroll function of an organization. CPM certification provides the valuable payroll compliance and management skills needed to advance.

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